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Sadat Sarwat and Associates

A Comprehensive Guide to Data Privacy Bangladesh’s 2023 Act

The Data Privacy Bangladesh Act of 2023 (Draft) represents a pivotal milestone in the legal landscape governing the handling of personal data. Enacted to address the evolving challenges posed by rapid technological advancements and increasing digitalization, this legislation aims to safeguard the privacy and rights of individuals in an era marked by data-driven innovation. By imposing stringent regulations on the collection, storage, processing, and sharing of personal information, the Data Protection Act establishes a comprehensive framework for organizations to adhere to ethical standards and ensure transparency, accountability, and responsible data management practices. This overview delves into the key provisions and...

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A Closer Look at the Income Tax Act 2023: Tax Reform in Bangladesh

“Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” – a famous quote by the American Statesmen Benjamin franklin connects directly to the prevailing scenario of Bangladesh. For almost all the major services today, a citizen is asked to provide documents related to his/her income tax. Doing so, the government makes sure that the majority of the eligible population is under the radar of taxation. Why wouldn’t it do so? After all, about 80% of public revenues are derived from tax sources. For the fiscal year 2022-2023, revenue receipt from NBR (National Board of Revenue) sources was 370000...

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